Internet: Realidad Virtual o Virtualidad Real

Internet: Realidad Virtual o Virtualidad Real

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010



1) List: This is the word women use to end an argument when they say the last word and you've fallen silent. It means they are safe to be right.

2) 5 MINUTES: you can have two meanings: if you're in need of something and the woman is getting dressed, talking on the phone or watching your favorite soap opera, this means half an hour. If she needs you for something and you're playing playstation or watching a game, means two minutes.

3) NOTHING: This means very angry or annoyed about something. Generally used when the man asks Is something wrong?. It means if something happens and is very serious. Arguments that begin with nothing usually last from one hour to three years and end with READY (see point 1).

4) Do what you want: NO definitely means whatever you want.

5) Loud Sigh: This is like a word, but not verbal. Often men do not know how to interpret. A big sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time arguing with you fighting about nothing (see point 3).

6) OK.: One of the most dangerous words a woman can make to a man. Although it seems to mean that they gave you the reason, it really means that women need time to think carefully before deciding how and when to make you pay.

7) Thanks: Traditionally women pronounce this word only once a year. If a woman is thanking you, do not ask questions or not you faint, you want to just say thanks. Note: But if you say THANK YOU is pure sarcasm and not giving you the grace of truth.

8) As: the woman's gentle way to say Andate to hell!!

9) DO NOT WORRY I do it: Another dangerous statement. It means that a woman asked a man something twice (no matter if it was at a time or even in different years), and considered it necessary to give up and do it herself. This will lead man to ask but what did I do wrong? The response of women is the number 3.

10) Who is it?: This is just a simple question, but remember that every time a woman asks 'who is' in reality you're wondering: Who is this FOX AND THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT?? !!!!!!!'

Beware what you answer.

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